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What Happens to Retirement Accounts in Bankruptcy?
You have worked hard your whole life and have built up a substantial retirement savings over the course of 20, 30 or even 50 years, but now that you have fallen on hard times and have to file for bankruptcy, you are worried that your retirement accounts will be considered an asset and that… Read More »

Understanding Wage Garnishment and What You Can Do to Stop It
No one intentionally falls behind on their bills, and when someone is unable to make a house payment or a car payment or a student loan payment, it is likely because he or she does not have the extra funds to do so. So why does it make sense for creditors and federal agencies… Read More »

Debt Consolidation or Bankruptcy: Which is Better?
If you are drowning in debt and are looking into debt relief options, you may be wondering whether debt consolidation will work for you or whether you should file for bankruptcy. While both options have their merits, you should first note that the federal government requires all potential bankruptcy filers to go through credit… Read More »

The Emotional Effects of Stress and How They Negatively Impact Your Life
Someone once said that money cannot buy happiness. That person clearly never had to stare at a stack of unpaid bills and determine which were the most important to pay this month. He or she never had to choose between making the full mortgage payment or putting food on the table, and they clearly… Read More »

When You Need to Hire an Attorney for Tax Relief
Being behind on your taxes can be stressful, but when your delinquency results in tax liens, levies, and notices from the agency itself, your stress may quickly turn into fear. While you may be compelled to dodge letters from the IRS and hope that eventually all attempts at contact will cease, that is the… Read More »

You Can Stop Foreclosure and Save Your Home, and Here’s How!
If you have fallen so far behind on your mortgage payments that you have received a notice of foreclosure, we understand that you may be feeling worried and scared about what foreclosure may mean for your future. While worry and fear are perfectly normal emotions to feel at this stage in your life, they… Read More »

Can Bankruptcy Help When You Have Student Loans?
The student loan debt crisis is a very real crisis, with the U.S. having a combined total of $1.48 trillion in student debt. That is $620 billion more than the U.S.’s total credit card debt. It is safe to say that the ever-rising costs of higher education are to blame. Unfortunately, the economy is… Read More »

What Does it Mean to Reaffirm Your Debt After Bankruptcy, and Should You do It?
Filing for bankruptcy may be the best thing you do for your financial future, but depending on which bankruptcy you file for, you may lose everything that still has a loan attached to it. This includes your home and your vehicles. If you are in a situation where Chapter 13 is not right for… Read More »

Don’t Go Through Bankruptcy Alone! 3 Reasons to Retain an Attorney to Help
Bankruptcy is one of the most difficult things you may go through in your life as you stand to lose everything you’ve ever worked hard for. Your home, your vehicles, fine art, and other valuable possessions become property of the bank, and while the prospect of starting over is nice, losing your material possessions… Read More »

Should I Pay An Old Medical Bill in Collections?
Medical bills are one of the worst kind of bills to have as a) they are expensive even with insurance and b) they often come at a time when you are either too hurt or ill to work. For these two reasons, many medical bills end up making their way into collections, leaving the… Read More »