Tag Archives: West Palm Beach Foreclosure Defense Attorney

You Can Stop Foreclosure and Save Your Home, and Here’s How!
If you have fallen so far behind on your mortgage payments that you have received a notice of foreclosure, we understand that you may be feeling worried and scared about what foreclosure may mean for your future. While worry and fear are perfectly normal emotions to feel at this stage in your life, they… Read More »

What is a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, and is it a Good Deal for You?
A deed in lieu of foreclosure is precisely what it sounds like: in order to be released from your mortgage obligation, you must sign over the deed to your home to the bank. Typically, homeowners file for a deed in lieu when they have received notice of foreclosure from the bank, and they want… Read More »

Options for When You Cannot Make Your Mortgage Payments
If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments and your lender has refused your application for a loan modification, forbearance, or repayment plan, you may be feeling at a loss as what to do. You do not want to foreclose on your home, but at the same, time, you do not believe that… Read More »